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momentary nesting

This is today's entry of my '100 Day Project' which gets me to draw and write every day! More readable versions of these will be available when I have scanner access. [a notebook, landscape-style. At the top of the page there are three windows with varying colors. The first: yellows, blues, and greys, the second: mostly oranges and yellows, and the third: mostly purples and blues, with a fade into pink, orange, and yellow. They represent my body clock changing and waking me up a little earlier each day]

A month of low lows and high highs: now I am absolutely BURSTING with love and ideas and gratitude and energy and enthusiasm; I feel back to my usual explosive state. It's funny, I hardly remember writing the previous post back at the end of March – so much has changed since then. I am constantly astounded by the amount of change I get to experience. Some months feel like lifetimes! At times it's exhausting and at others, totally liberating.

24 days in Glasgow so far, and I get to spend five more weeks here. I am ridiculously excited about the many little luxuries of staying in one place for a time: nesting, attending weekly classes and trainings, being able to return (to places, conversations, projects), developing a morning ritual, knowing which buses take me where (and having a marked up map), knowing the slopes, curb-cuts and cracks of the neighborhoods I spend time in, developing friendships, cooking food and being able to pack lunches and picnics (budgeting is so much easier!), sinking into the geography, having a favorite tea mug, painting my fingernails, working consistently on long-term projects, having inside jokes...

I really wanna tell you about every single project and jam and show and adventure that's happening, but I feel like that will just become silly and tiring for you to read. I'm eating a lot and thinking about sustenance: what does it take to sustain oneself (literally and figuratively) as an artist?

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