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artist statement

I guess I'd describe my visual style as whimsical, personal, tender, organic, geometric, imperfect. Often dealing quite explicitly with themes of disability, illness, care, and empathy, though I also love illustrating little daily moments of simplicity and pleasure. I do a lot of self portraits as a way of making sense of my body, creating an aesthetic of disability for myself, and questioning wtf a "self" is in the first place. 


Performance-wise, I've been studying impro and clown, and have recently developed a new interest in puppetry, though I have very little experience with it. I think clown in particular is kind of my jam because it celebrates the messy, truthful wholeness of each human and seems
especially well suited to combinations of my many passions. Want to collaborate on something? Awesome! Send me a note


haley has been fascinated by human impulses to create, revise, and perform realities for as long as she can remember. She is a recent graduate of Pitzer College, where she double-majored in Linguistics and Narrative Studies. She has grown 4 inches in 12 hours, managed her school’s flock of chickens, interned for storytelling organization The Moth, and worked as the live-in caretaker of the beloved Grove House student center. 


haley was a 2014-15 Watson Fellow, and just finished up her year-long project "Infinities: Expanding the Modes of Performing and Being through Improvisation." She plans to pursue a rich, messy collection of different kinds of work in visual arts, theatre, clown, education, childcare, advocacy, face-painting, and raising chickens.


You can find out more about the Thomas J. Watson foundation and read the bios and projects of other grant recipients here.

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