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Frequently Asked Questions 

Here are a few that I get now and then;
if you have others feel free to ask! 


+ What do you do when you're not traveling? 


I'll be honest with you - I don't know yet and I am about to figure it out! I hope to pursue a rich, messy collection of different kinds of work in theatre, visual arts, education, advocacy, face-painting, and raising chickens. For more about that, check out my skill share page


+ I noticed that you include descriptions in [brackets] of most of the photos you post; why?


Those are image descriptions to make my photos accessible to blind or visually impaired readers. Especially since I've started learning about, writing about, and talking about disability and access much more, I'm trying to cultivate accessibility into my aesthetic whenever possible. Also, it's easy and fun and gets me to think more about the photos I take and the art I make! I started doing this more recently, so some of the older posts I still need to go through and update. * If you have ideas about how I can make this site more accessible, feel free to let me know! If I can manage the technology of it I will make it happen! :) * 


Yea actually, what's your disability? Why do you use a wheelchair?

Is it okay if I ask? 


My disability is Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or Brittle Bones. I use a wheelchair (stella!) for longer distances because I get a lot of stress-fractures in my legs and it is a beautiful tool that keeps me active and helps me go further faster with less damage. I wrote about it here and here, (the last link has my zine, which has the most explanation I think), and actually I mention it often in blog posts. If I know and like you, it's probably totally fine for you to respectfully ask me about my disability; often I enjoy talking about it. Occasionally I don't, or don't feel like talking about it at a given time - it does bother me when people greet me with 'WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU' or when my wheelchair/disability is the only thing they want to talk about, or the first thing they want to talk about, or if they act like it's really tragic or offensive to bring it up. But yeah in general I'm really open about it and happy to chat. 


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