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makin' tunes with friends! 

I don't consider myself much of a musician, but I do love to make up a little ditty now and again. Here's a tiny sampling of those. Enjoy! And let me know if you wanna make some music together! 

This is a song I wrote last year about our friend ROB, a laminated paper alien that joined our family in the summer of 2009. He hung out with us for a few years before eventually running away to Disneyland, where we imagine he is pursuing his dreams of being discovered by Tim Burton in the Haunted Mansion ride. Mega thanks to my awesome neighbor Michael Abowd for his genius engineering of sound and instrumentals, and my little bro Macallan Brown for fabulous background vocals!

Here's a song I wrote a couple of summers ago and used to perform with my college buddies in the Orange Blossom String Band, which I look back on so fondly! At Pitzer I was the "chicken manager" for three years, caring for our little flock o hens, and one year our student flat was right above the garden, so I'd often hear them calling. So much love to Karen Eisenhaur on banjo, Rupert Deese on guitar, and Sam Derosa on Base, as well as Michael Abowd for some post-recording touch-ups and special chicken sounds!

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