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Hi, welcome! This is my little internet home where I keep all sorts of observations, reflections, art, and research from the projects I work on. I recently returned home from abroad after finishing up my project for the Watson Fellowship, called "Infinities and Adaptations: Expanding the Modes of Performing and Being through Improvisation," which you can read about here or even more in the blog section if you'd like!


I can't promise what this website will look like, what it will cover, or how often it will be updated, but I do offer it to you in whatever form it takes as an act of gratitude to the many individuals and communities who in some intricate way let me be here, doing what I do. Everything I am and everything I create is a response to and combination of everything I've learned from others.


So thank you!





P.S. For more about me or my art, click here!


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