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Banff, BAMFs and mostly IMPROV: coming (kinda) soon!

(photo taken at the Edmonton International Street Performers Festival; John Lucas)

Some of you have asked me where is this mysterious place I am “leaving to,” this summer; sorry to have been so vague about it! I feel extraordinarily privileged to be revisiting my plans for the Watson Fellowship, which will allow me to study improvisational theatre abroad for the next twelve months, starting this summer! I was granted this award at the end of my senior year at Pitzer and had to request a medical deferral due to complications with a fracture in my femur.

This unexpected between-year has been an incredible growing experience, and I hold so much gratitude for my hometown community – my family, old friends, new friends, co-workers, mentors, peers, physical therapist, doctors, and just EVERYONE – postal workers, folks in my improv classes, employees of Bookshop Santa Cruz, everyone who maintains our gorgeous parks like Natural Bridges and Lighthouse Field ... this is a love-fest to the expansive endless network of people who, indirectly and directly, in small and enormous ways, make my time in Santa Cruz possible and special.

Among other things, this year has been a coming to terms with my body – learning how to heal it responsibly, learning how to identify and communicate my needs, learning how to take care of myself (and in the process, hopefully learning how to take care of others). I've always been too ashamed and too intimidated by the social consequences of self-care to commit to it, and the support I've felt from friends and family has made me realize that it's not only necessary to my survival, but it's also fundamental to my growth as an artist and community member. Anyway, lots more to say about self-care (perhaps that's another post entirely), but the long and short of it is that I've had the chance to finally hone skills I will need next year and always.

My project for the Watson is called “In the Moment: Expanding the Modes of Performing and Being Through Improvisation.” I will explore the strands of chaos, structure, spontaneity, play, response, release, humor, politics, culture, ritual, and community that weave into theatre via improvisation. I'm planning to travel to several countries to explore their theatre traditions and contemporary improv scenes – my original proposal included Canada, India, Italy, and Brazil. I'm throwing myself back into the research phase of it all these days which is thrilling and overwhelming. Right now I plan to be in Edmonton from June 14th – July 14th or so, and Calgary from July 14th – August 14th or so. As much as I loved the idea of traipsing across Canada, it's expensive and huge so that was totally unrealistic. Just one province and two main destinations (very intentional ones at that). Toronto and Montreal – I'll be back for you two another year!

Edmonton is the capital of Alberta and is its second-largest city, next to Calgary. It's nicknamed the “Festival City” for its many annual festivals – several of which are relevant to my project: the Edmonton International Street Performer's Festival, Improvaganza, and the Edmonton International Fringe Festival (the largest fringe festival in North America, and the second-largest in the world next to Edinburgh's!). Calgary was named one of Canada's “cultural capitals” in 2012, and is the birthplace of the improv movement Theatresports – which is honestly what brought me to Canada in the first place. Keith Johnstone, founder Theatresports and Impro, started The Loose Moose Theatre Company in Calgary, where I'll attend the 26th International Improvisation School! Calgary is also home to FunnyFest, The Calgary Animate Objects Society, and other festivals relevant to my exploration, although I won't be there in time to experience all of them.

Banff National Park is about an hour outside of Calgary. It's the world's 3rd oldest national park, a Unesco World Heritage Site, and it's listed in my LonelyPlanet Canada guide as the #1 “Top Experience.” (Yep, I'm a dork). The Watson expects some non-project in-country leisure time, so if possible I'd love to spend a weekend there between activities!

So, that's where I'm at with planning so far. If you know of anyone in Edmonton or Calgary who might: want to hang out, want to chat about improv or theatre, want to let me rent a room in their house for about a month, would you please let me know? Endless love and thanks!

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